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Past Productions

Blackadder Goes Forth

27th January – 03rd February 2018

Corporal Punishment

In order to avoid being ordered to go over the top, Blackadder fakes bad phone communications and then shoots a carrier pigeon – which is revealed to be a prized pet of General Melchett. With George as his attorney in a farcical court-martial and Baldrick offering a rather unique escape kit, can the "Flanders Pigeon Murderer" ultimately avoid execution by firing squad?

Private Plane

After a visit from Lord Flashheart, Blackadder, Baldrick and George intend on joining the "Twenty Minuters" at the Royal Flying Corps to go to Paris. After Blackadder and Baldrick crash their 'plane behind enemy lines, they are captured by the Germans and must prepare for "a fate worse than a fate worse than death".


Finally, this time for sure, Blackadder and his friends are going into battle. Baldrick suggests to Blackadder that he pretend to go mad by putting undies on his head and shoving two pencils up his nose, like in the Sudan. Once this fails, Baldrick comes up with another plan that could definitely get Blackadder out of the trenches for suren

Production Details

Production Team:

Directed by Nick Tobias & Liz White


Cast List:

Captain Edmund Blackadder – Chris Hannant
Private S Baldrick – Matt Wilson
Lt. Hon. George Colthurst St Barleigh – Oliver Blake
General Sir Anthony Cecil Hogmanay Melchett – Jason Blackburn
Captain Kevin Darling – Jack Homer
Squadron Commander the Lord Flashheart – Michael Fay
Field Marshall Sir Douglas Haig – Samuel Taunton
Baron Von Richthoven – Robert Barton-Ancliffe
Bob ‘Bobbie’ Parkhurst – Sarah Bottomley

Ensemble – Neil Webber (Sergeant Jones), Oliver Chapman (Gerhardt), Michael Sheldrick (Perkins), Steve Scott, Matthew Morris

Production Media

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