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Production Team

Teamwork makes the Dreamwork

It takes a whole army of people to get a show to put a show on. Take a look at all the different roles that you can get involved with. If you'd like more information on how to take on any of these roles, drop us as an email.


Our directors oversee all areas of the production they are assigned to. They help to select a cast, as part of the audition panel, before shaping those chosen to appear on stage to produce an end product of high quality. With outside input, they also plan set designs, stage lighting and sounds effects.


Musical Director

Our MDs are an integral part of our production team, taking control of all singing and orchestral aspects of our musicals. They are involved in a show right from the outset, appearing on the audition panel, attending all rehearsals to ensure our cast are singing beautifully, right through to forming and then conducting our bands on show week.



Choreographers make up the third part of our production team trinity and are charged with planning and implementing all dances and movement pieces within our show. They work in close contact with the director and musical director to ensure out cast are dancing to the best of their abilities.


Assistant Director/Musical Director

Sometimes we have assistant directors to support the director/MD. This can be a great way for people who are looking to take on the role of director/MD in the future to gain valuable experience, and it also helps our directors who can sometimes require support on more complex shows.


Production Secretary

Quite simply, without a production secretary, we wouldn’t be able to put on shows. They have many jobs during pre-production, through the rehearsal process, right up to show week and keep the wheels of a show moving. Their role is to assist the director in all administrative aspects of the show, from organising rehearsal schedules and scores, to e-mailing cast members to get them to turn up at the right venues! They attend every rehearsals and document all the goings on within a show to keep things running smoothly.


Set Design

At the Everyman we generally hire the set, but at the Playhouse the sets are built for the show so we have opportunities for people who would like to get involved with set design and construction. The set designer’s role is to fulfil the directors wishes and bring their visions into reality, assisting with the ‘get-in’ at the beginning of show week and then the ‘get-out’ after the final curtain has come down.


Lighting Design

In charge of all aspects of lighting for a show once it gets into the theatre. They design the lighting set beforehand before putting up all the lights during the get-in and then attending each night’s performance to run the lighting cues.


Production Week

Stage Manager (SM)

The stage manager is a massive part of show week, organising the production once it arrives at the theatre. They put together their own stage crew, ensure the set is built quickly and safely, before overseeing the show itself ensuring all scene changes are carried out efficiently. They also keep an eye on props/lighting/sound as required.

Deputy Stage Manger (DSM)

Assists the stage manager and sit’s ‘on book’ during show week. They follow the script and ‘call’ the show, cueing in sound, lighting and cast as required. They are effectively the spine of the show during it's performance which everything else branches out from.

Stage Crew

Every show week we require a number of backstage helpers to ensure scenery and props get moved around on/off stage, operate curtains and any other physical aspect as required by the production. They also help build the set and then take it down again at the end of the production.

Assistant Stage Manager/Props (ASM)

The main job of the ASM is to source all props that a production requires. They are responsible for transporting them to and from rehearsals in the run up to show week so that the actors can get use to them, as well as show weeks themselves.

Props assistant

Another great opportunity to gain experience if you would like to take on the role of props in the future. This role is to assist the ASM with all props during thr rehearsal/show week process and help them out whenever required.


If a show has children in it, licensed chaperones are required to supervise them and make sure CODS operates in line with the The Children (Performances and Activities) (England) Regulations 2014. Their job will be supervise children in rehearsals and show week, to make sure that they remain safe whilst in the rehearsal/theatre environment, make sure they get to the stage on time and most importantly, have fun!


Numerous people are required for every show to ensure that our actors look their best! Wardrobe people attend early rehearsals to measure up the actors for their costumes and then take a masssive role during show week, organising the receipt of the costumes before allocating them out to each actor in turn. They are always available backstage during a show performance to help with quick changes, make adjustments to costumes and also mend the inevitable rips or lost buttons. They then organise the safe receipt of the costumes back from the actors when a show is finished, and ensure that everything has been returned in order to send them back to the costume hire place.


Dressers float around backstage on show weeks with the specific job of helping the actors with quick changes.

Lighting Operator
As in the above section, they attend performances on show week to run the lighting cues.

Follow Spot Operator

Often in musicals we use multiple follow spots and so require people to operate them. The job involves sitting at the highest point in the auditorium and moving the spotlight to shine on the lead actors or certain scenes where required. Not much preparation is required beforehand as there's no specific requirements to attend any rehearsals and full training is provided before the first performance. 

Sound Operator

Manages all aspects of sound throughout a show, including sourcing and operating sounds effects and organising the allocation of radio microphones to the cast. They are required to attend a number of rehearsals to note sounds cues, and then sit at the back of the auditorium ln show weeks to ensure sounds effects are delivered at the right times and to switch microphones on/off whenever required. They also monitor sounds levels for the orchestra to ensure the audience enjoy the best possible auditory experience.

Assistant Sound Operator

Duties include helping mic up the actors before a performance and then working backstage during the performance to switch microphones between cast members and batteries/make adjustments whenever required.


In charge of any hairstyling or wig requirements for any given show.


Attends before performances on show weeks to put make-up on any actors that require it.


The job where everyone is pleased if you're not required to do anything! Should the director request one, a promt will attend rehearsals in the run up to show week and sit with the script to prompt any actors who may forget their lines. They also sit by the side of the stage on show week to enact the same role.

Front of House Manager

Organises a rota of people to help out on front of house duties and then acts as a main point of contact for people at performances (generally attends every show). They also handle 'floats' of money for programme sales and ensure safe return of the funds to the treasurer.

Front of House Staff

Our Front of House Staff are essential to every show and a great way to support CODS. Duties differ depending on the show venue:


At the Everyman - Greeting patrons and selling programmes.

At the Playhouse - Greeting patrons and ticket checking (these people will also act as 'fire-watch during a performance' , sitting at either side of the auditorium to ensure everything runs smoothly), selling programmes, working behind the bar and selling ice creams/tea and coffee. Playhous shows also require a qualified first-aider to be present in the auditorium at each performance.

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